Slidetransition Element (Microsoft PowerPoint)

Defines the slide transitions for a presentation.

Attribute Description
advancetime Determines the amount of time between slides in milliseconds. The default delay is 4,294,967,295 milliseconds.
autoadvance Determines whether the transition will automatically advance (without needing mouse clicks). The default value is False.
direction Contains one of the following string constants specifying the direction of the transition effect: Across, Bottom, Center, Down, Effect, Fast, Horizontal, InSlightly, In, LeftDown, Left, LeftUp, Medium, NoBlack, OutSlightly, Out, RightDown, Right, RightUp, Slow, ToBlack, Transition, Up, or Vertical. An empty string specifies no direction.
effect Contains one of the following string constants specifying the slide transition effect: Blinds, Checker, Cover, Crawl, Cut, Dissolve, Fade, Flash, Fly, Peek, Pull, Random, RandomBar, Rotate, Spiral, SplitIn, SplitOut, Stretch, Strips, Wipe, Zoom, or ZoomFly.
flag Reserved.
speed Defines the speed of the transition. The values are 0, 1, or 2, representing slow, medium, or fast.

Contained In

Body (HTML) or any other element that surrounds content.




All subelements are optional.

Each slide can have its own transition, or you can create one transition for all slides.


This example shows a downward wipe transition that plays a cash register sound.

<p:slidetransition advancetime="0" speed="1" effect="wipe" direction="down" flag="1105">
 <p:sound id="2" builtinid="100" name="cashreg.wav" href="sound002.wav"/>