Placeholder Element (Microsoft PowerPoint)

Defines a dotted-line rectangle that reserves space for titles, text, charts, tables, and clip art.

Attribute Description
position Position of the placeholder in the flow of objects on the slide. The default value is 0.
size Default size of the placeholder. Values include 0, 1, or 2. The default value is 0.

Defines the type of placeholder used in PowerPoint. This attribute contains one of the following string constants.

Constant Description
body Body
centerTitle Center title
clipart Clip art
dateTime Date and time
footer Footer
graph Graph
header Header
media Media
object Object
orgchart Organizational chart
slideImage Slide image
slideNumber Slide number
subtitle Subtitle
table Table
title Title
verticalBody Vertical body
verticalTitle Vertical title

Contained In

Body (HTML) or any other element that surrounds content.


Title and subtitle placeholders are created on a slide. Note that the first placeholder has a default position of 0.

<p:placeholder type="Title"/>
<p:placeholder type="subTitle" position="1"/>