Animation Element (Microsoft PowerPoint)

Describes the animation portion of a slide.

Attribute Description
afterbuild Contains one of the following string constants specifying the closing effect, if any.
dim Object is dimmed.
hide Object is hidden at the end of the animation.
hideImmediate Object is hidden immediately.
none Object is not changed. Default.
buildby Contains one of the following string constants specifying the granularity (if any) of a built text animation.
char Text animation built by character.
none Text introduced all at once. Default.
word Text animation built by word.
delay Delay in milliseconds (1/1000 second) before playing animation. The default delay is 2,147,483,647 milliseconds.
dimcolor If a closing effect is specified, the name or RGB value of the color to dim an object to after an animation.
direction Contains one of the following string constants specifying the direction of the animation, if any: across, bottom, center, down, effect, fast, horizontal, in, inSlightly, left, leftDown, leftUp, medium, noBlack, out, outSlightly, right, rightDown, rightUp, slow, toBlack, transition, up, or vertical. An empty string specifies no direction.
effect Contains one of the following string constants specifying the applied animation effect, if any: blinds, checker, cover, crawl, cut, dissolve, fade, flash, fly, peek, pull, random, randomBar, rotate, spiral, splitIn, splitOut, stretch, strips, wipe, zoom, or zoomFly.
flag Reserved.
level Depth to group paragraphs by. Levels range from 1 to 5. The default level is 0.
number Animation number. The default string identifier is 0.
playverb An integer identifying the object's primary action.
slidecount Number of slides that the animation plays.
target If an animation is not built, it is part of a category or series of animations. This attribute contains one of the following string constants specifying whether the animation is a category, element, or series.
category Category description of animation.
elementInSeries Element in animation series.
elementInCategory Element in animation category.
series Series description of animation.
type Contains one of the following string constants specifying the type of animation displayed.
graph Animation of a chart created in Microsoft Graph.
noBuild Animation is not built. Default. For more information, see the description of the target attribute.
object Animation of an object, such as a shape.
text Animation of text only.

Contained In

Body (HTML) or any other element that surrounds content.




All subelements are optional.

To save the animations on a Web page, you must publish a slide and click Show slide animation while browsing in the Web Options dialog box.


One second after the page loads, a simple animation plays that will fly an object onto the page from the bottom accompanied by screeching car brakes.

<p:animation number="1" delay="1000" type="object" effect="fly"
direction="down" afterbuild="dim" dimcolor="schemeShadow" flag="17428">
<p:sound id="1" builtinid="102" name="carbrake.wav" href= "sound001.wav"/>