Meta Tags

Meta Tags contain information about an HTML page that can be used for indexing and retrieval purposes. Meta tags are stored in the heading of a Web page. Microsoft PowerPoint saves the following kinds of information to HTML pages:


The Content meta tag stores the windows-1252 charset as well as the content type text/html. A typical tag would read:

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

The coding will change for locales where this charset is not applicable.


The ProgID meta tag stores the name of the program ID that identifies the type of content being stored, which is PowerPoint.Slide. A typical tag would read:

<meta name=ProgId content=PowerPoint.Slide>


The Generator meta tag stores the name of the program that generated the information, which is Microsoft PowerPoint 9. A typical tag would read:

<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft PowerPoint 9">

Title Tag

This tag contains the title of a presentation.