Cell Formatting

Both HTML and CSS are used to format cells. The default cell formatting is specified in a style definition for the TD element. The following example shows a style definition for the default cell formatting.

TD {mso-style-name: normal; mso-numberformat:general;
text-align: left; vertical-align: bottom;
font-family:arial; font-size:10pt; color:black}

When only a portion of a cell is formatted, the Span element is used to contain the formatted text fragment. 

Cell protection and visibility are also specified using styles. The mso-protection style attribute is used to specify whether a cell is hidden and locked.

Built-in and user-defined styles

The class name for styles consists of the word style followed by a number. Styles used in Microsoft Excel contain the mso-style-name style attribute, specifying the name of the style, and the mso-style-id style attribute, specifying the style index. The mso-style-id style attribute is not used in the user-defined and Normal style definitions.

The style0 style class specifies the formatting for Normal style. The following example shows a style definition for the Normal style.

.style0 {mso-style-name:normal; mso-numberformat:general;
text-align: left; vertical-align: bottom;
font-family:arial; font-size:10pt; color:black}

Cell padding

In Microsoft Excel, the padding style is used to specify padding between the cell text and the side of the cell. For example, the following style definition is used to specify the style of a TD element.

TD { padding: 1px; mso-ignore: padding; }

The padding is not specified if the Normal style is used and the text is indented, or if the worksheet is published using the Spreadsheet component.

Formatting related to a specific condition or number format

Cells can have formatting that is applied as a result of a condition or number format. For example, the color of a number can depend on a condition. In this case, a style attribute is applied to the cell in addition to the style class. The style specifies the current cell format, while the style class specifies the default formatting. The mso-ignore: style style is used to specify that the current style results from a condition.

If a number format is applied, Microsoft Excel uses the number format and the cell value to determine the formatting of a style class. Excel creates a class name for each unique combination of formatting. The cells in the table use the class attribute to specify the style class, and the x:num attribute is specified when a number format is applied. The mso-number-format style is used to specify the number format string. If a user creates a custom number format, the string is specified as the value of the mso-number-format style attribute. Only number formats that are used are saved in the workbook.

International number formats

If an international file is saved with a locale-specific built-in number format but opened using a version of Excel that does not have the built-in format, the format is treated as a custom number format.

The mso-displayed-decimal-separator and mso-displayed-thousand-separator style attributes of the Table element specify the decimal and thousand separators applied in table cells that do not use the x:num attribute.


The following tables show the styles or HTML elements and attributes used by Microsoft Excel to specify cell alignment. In general, alignment is specified only when it is different from the default alignment, and styles applied to the table apply to each row, column, and cell. Styles applied to a row only apply to cells of the row, and styles applied to a column only apply to cells of the column. Styles applied to rows, columns, or cells take precedence over styles applied to the table elements they are contained in.

For the Spreadsheet component, the text-align and vertical-align styles are ignored, and the align and valign attributes of the TD element are used instead. Fill, justify, and left are not supported with indent alignment styles.

Horizontal alignment HTML Style
General, and the cell contains a numerical value <TD ALIGN=right> None. Left alignment is the default alignment in Web browsers. When a cell contains general alignment and the Normal style is not general-aligned, the text-align: auto style is used to specify general alignment.
General, and the cell contains a non-numerical value None. Left alignment is the default alignment in Web browsers. None. Left alignment is the default alignment in Web browsers. When a cell contains general alignment and the Normal style is not general-aligned, the text-align: auto style is used to specify general alignment.
Left None. Left alignment is the default alignment in Web browsers. text-align: left
Left with indent None. Left alignment is the default alignment in Web browsers. text-align: left; margin-left: ems
Center <TD ALIGN=center> text-align: center
Right <TD ALIGN=right> text-align: right
Fill None text-align: fill
Justify None text-align: justify
Center across selection <TD COLSPAN=# of cells in selection ALIGN=center> colspan; mso-ignore: colspan; text-align: center

If a cell contains a number, the align attribute contains right, and no alignment style is specified, then the cell gets general alignment. In the following example, the first cell gets general alignment, but the second cell is aligned to the right because both the text-align: right and alignment style are specified.

TD {font-size:10pt; font-family: arial}
.XL1 {text-align: right}
 <td align=right>19</td>
 <td align=right class=XL1>97</td>
Vertical alignment HTML Style
Top <TD VALIGN=top> vertical-align: top
Center <TD VALIGN=middle> vertical-align: middle
Bottom (default) <TD VALIGN=bottom> (specified in each TR element) vertical-align: bottom
Justify None vertical-align: justify


Alignment options HTML Style
Wordwrap <TD WIDTH=# of pixels corresponding to present column width> white-space:wrap; width: value; white-space: normal
Shrink to fit None mso-text-control: shrinktofit
Merge cells horizontally <TD COLSPAN=# of cells merged>  
Merge cells vertically <TD ROWSPAN=# of cells merged>  

When an HTML file is opened in Microsoft Excel, wordwrap is enabled for all imported cells. However, documents created in Excel have wordwrap disabled by default. The white-space: wrap style is therefore specified for cells that have wordwrap enabled.

The layout-flow and mso-rotate style attributes are used to specify text orientation and rotation.

The following styles are used to specify additional alignment properties used in international documents.

Horizontal alignment Style
Distributed text-align:distributed
Thai justify text-align:thai-justify
Right with indent text-align:right; margin-right:ems


Vertical alignment Style
Distributed vertical-align:distributed
Thai justify vertical-align:thai-justify


Orientation Style
Vertical text (no rotation) layout-flow: vertical

Auto color

A style value other than auto must be used to specify auto color. If the string auto is specified as the color, unpredictable results can occur in different Web browsers. The following table shows the styles specified for different parts of a worksheet when the color is "auto."

Object Styles Color
Background mso-background-source:auto (the background color is not specified in the HTML file) Not used in Microsoft Excel
Border border-left:1pt solid windowtext
border-right:1pt solid windowtext
border-top: 1pt solid windowtext
border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext
Foreground color
Font color: windowtext Auto font color
Pattern mso-pattern: .25gray windowtext Foreground color

Font formatting

The following table lists the basic font properties and how they are specified in HTML. Some characteristics, such as bold and italic, use both HTML and styles for compatibility with a wide variety of Web browsers. In general, cell formatting is specified only when it is different from the default formatting.

For the Spreadsheet component, the strikethrough, subscript, and superscript elements and styles are not supported.

Font property HTML Style
Name <FONT FACE="name of font"> font-family:"name of font"
Italic <I> font-style:italic
Bold <B> font-weight:bold
Regular None font-style:normal
Size <FONT SIZE="value from 1 to 7"> font-size:ptsize
Single underline <U> text-decoration: underline
Double underline <U> text-decoration: underline; mso-text-underline: double
Single accounting underline <U> text-decoration: underline; ms-text-underline: single-accounting
Double accounting underline <U> text-decoration: underline; mso-text-underline: double-accounting
Color <FONT COLOR="name or rgb value"> color: name, rgb value, or windowtext for auto color
Normal font None TD {formatting from default cell style}
Strikethrough <STRIKE> text-decoration:line-through
Superscript <SUP> vertical-align:super
Subscript <SUB> vertical-align:sub
Outline (Macintosh only) None mso-text-effect: outline
Shadow (Macintosh only) None text-shadow: auto

The following table lists the color names and corresponding RGB values.

Color name Excel color name RGB value
black auto none
black black #000000
blue blue #0000ff
aqua turquoise #00ffff
lime bright green #00ff00
purple pink #ff00ff
red red #ff0000
yellow yellow #ffff00
white white #ffffff
navy dark blue #000080
teal teal #008080
green green #008000
fuchsia violet #800080
maroon dark red #800000
olive dark yellow #808000
silver gray 25% #c0c0c0
gray gray 50% #808080

Additional font information

The font-family style attribute is used to store additional information about the font. The font name is specified in quotation marks followed by a comma and the name of the generic font family without quotation marks. The mso-font-charset style attribute specifies the font number of the Windows character set.

To reduce file size, formatting that is applied to every cell, such as font color and size, is specified in style definitions. However, when the font color or size is different from the default color or size and the cell is not empty, the Font element is used for compatibility with Web browsers. The color attribute of the Font element specifies the font color, and the size attribute specifies the font size. The class attribute is also specified to preserve the other formatting properties. When the Web page is opened in Microsoft Excel and both HTML formatting elements and CSS styles are specified, the CSS styles are used to determine the cell formatting.


The following table lists the style attributes used to specify border formatting.

Border Style attribute
Top border-top
Bottom border-bottom
Diagonal, top right mso-border-up
Left border-left
Right border-right
Diagonal, top left mso-border-down

If the top, bottom, left, and right borders are visible and have the same line style and color, the border style attribute is used as a shorthand way to specify the border formatting.

For the Spreadsheet component, the diagonal border styles are not supported.

Border lines

The border style attribute has 3 values: weight, style, and color.

Border style Thickness (in lines) Style
None 0 border: none (default); when no borders are applied, only one value, none, is specified
Thin 1 border: .5pt solid rgbcolor
Medium 2 border: 1pt solid rgbcolor
Dashed 1 border: .5pt dashed rgbcolor
Dotted 1 border: .5pt dotted rgbcolor
Thick 3 border: 1.5pt solid rgbcolor
Double 3 border: 1.5pt double rgbcolor
Hair 1 border: .5pt solid rgbcolor; border-style: hairline
Medium dashed 2 border: 1pt dashed rgbcolor
Dash-dot 1 border: .5pt dashed rgbcolor; border-style: dash-dot
Medium dash-dot 2 border: 1pt dashed rgbcolor; border-style: dash-dot
Dash-dot-dot 1 border: .5 dashed rgbcolor; border-style: dash-dot-dot
Medium dash-dot-dot 2 border: 1pt dashed rgbcolor; border-style: dash-dot-dot
Slanted dash dot 2 border: 1pt dashed rgbcolor; border-style:slanted-dash-dot

When two borders are applied to the same line, the style of the last one mentioned is used. In some Web browsers, the border appears twice as thick since both are represented. To work around this problem, cell styles are specified to hide the borders. In the following example, the top and left borders are hidden when they overlap other borders.

style='border-top: none; border-left: none'

Other border styles

The following table lists the border style applied by Microsoft Excel when values other than the ones listed in the previous table are encountered.

Border style Border weight Border style applied
Solid weight < 1pt Thin
Solid 1pt <= weight < 1.5pt Medium
Solid 1.5pt <= weight Thick
Hairline Any Hairline
Dashed weight < 1pt Dashed
Dashed 1pt <= weight Medium dashed
Double Any Double
Dotted Any Dotted
Dash-dot weight < 1pt Dash-dot
Dash-dot 1pt <= weight Medium dash-dot
Dash-dot-dot weight < 1pt Dash-dot-dot
Dash-dot-dot 1pt <= weight Medium dash-dot-dot
Slanted-dash-dot Any Slanted-dash-dot
Triple Any Double
Unused style 0-1.0pt Thin
Unused style 1.1-1.5pt Medium
Unused style Over 1.5pt Thick


Tables are saved with a white background by default. The bgcolor attribute of the Body, TD, and TR elements specifies the color. The background color can be changed, but the color setting is ignored when the page is opened in a Microsoft Office program. The background style attribute is also used to specify the background color using either the color name or hexadecimal RGB value. For TR elements that specify a style class with a background style, the color is not always inherited by the TD elements contained in the row.

For the Spreadsheet component, only solid pattern colors are supported, and the mso-foreground style is not supported.

The mso-pattern style attribute has 2 values specifying the pattern style and its color. The following table lists the pattern names that can be used to specify the pattern style.

Pattern Excel pattern name
Solid (default) auto
75% gray 75-gray
50% gray 50-gray
25% gray 25-gray
12.5% gray 125-gray
6.25% gray 0625-gray
Horizontal stripe horz-stripe
Vertical stripe vert-stripe
Reverse diagonal stripe reverse-diag-stripe
Diagonal stripe diag-stripe
Diagonal crosshatch diag-cross
Thick diagonal crosshatch thick-diag-cross
Thin horizontal stripe thin-horz-stripe
Thin vertical stripe thin-vert-stripe
Thin reverse diagonal stripe thin-reverse-diag-stripe
Thin diagonal stripe thin-diag-stripe
Thin horizontal crosshatch thin-horz-cross
Thin diagonal crosshatch thin-diag-cross

When a page containing Microsoft Word patterns is opened, the patterns are converted to the closest equivalent pattern in Microsoft Excel. The following table lists the equivalent patterns.

Pattern Word pattern name Excel pattern equivalent
2.5% 25-gray 6.25-gray
5% 5-gray 6.25-gray
7.5% 075-gray 6.25-gray
10% 10-gray 12.5-gray
12.5% 12.5-gray 12.5-gray
15% 15-gray 12.5-gray
17.5% 175-gray 12.5-gray
20% 20-gray 25-gray
22.5% 225-gray 25-gray
25% 25-gray 25-gray
27.5% 275-gray 25-gray
30% 30-gray 25-gray
32.5% 325-gray 25-gray
35% 35-gray 25-gray
37.5% 37.5-gray 25-gray
40% 40-gray 50-gray
42.5% 425-gray 50-gray
45% 45-gray 50-gray
47.5% 475-gray 50-gray
50% 50-gray 50-gray
52.5% 525-gray 50-gray
55% 55-gray 50-gray
57.5% 575-gray 50-gray
60% 60-gray 50-gray
62.5% 625-gray 50-gray
65% 65-gray 75-gray
67.5% 675-gray 75-gray
70% 70-gray 75-gray
72.5% 725-gray 75-gray
75% 75-gray 75-gray
77.5% 775-gray 75-gray
80% 80-gray 75-gray
82.5% 825-gray 75-gray
85% 85-gray 75-gray
87.5% 87.5-gray 75-gray
90% 90-gray 75-gray
92.5% 925-gray 75-gray
95% 95-gray 75-gray
97% 97-gray 75-gray
97.5% 975-gray 75-gray